[giaban]Call: 090.2006.139[/giaban] [tomtat] PHOTOELECTRIC SENSOR WT150 SERIES Model: WT150-P460 Nhà sản suất: Sick - Made in Japan [/tomtat] [mota] Cảm biến quang loại thu phát chung - Sensor/detection principle: Photoelectric proximity sensor, Background suppression - Dimensions (W x H x D): 10 mm x 28 mm x 18 mm - Housing design (light emission): Rectangular - Sensing range max.: 2 mm ... 100 mm 1) - Type of light: Visible red light - Light source: LED 2) - Angle of dispersion: Approx. 5° - Adjustment: Potentiometer, 5 turns Quý khách cần mua hàng hoặc sửa chữa, bảo trì vui lòng liên hệ: 090.2006.139 [/mota]